Muon Imaging for Cu-Fe Ore Shoot Identification: Results and Next Challenges
Transmission-based muography (TM) is becoming an innovative and nondestructive imaging technique
based on the measurement of the cosmic ray muon flux attenuation within matter, allowing the reconstruction
of two- or three-dimensional transmission and density polar maps. This paper presents our most
recent findings on TM measurements applied to ore shoot prospecting. All measurements and results were
obtained during the MIMA-SITES project years of research. The case study was the Temperino mine in the
San Silvestro Archaeological and Mining Park (Campiglia Marittima, Italy). Here, several magmatic and
metasomatic geological units outcrop. Among them is a Cu-Fe-Zn-Pb(-Ag) sulfide skarn complex primarily
composed of hedenbergite and ilvaite minerals.
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