Rotation Curves of Galaxies via Reissner-Nordstrom Induced Gravity and an Alternative Explanation of Dark Matter

  • J. Buitrago University of La Laguna, Spain.
Keywords: keywords: relativistic processes, black hole physics, dark matter.


The dynamics of a neutral test particle in the spacetime geometry corresponding to a central massive
and charged object (Reissner-Nordstrom Metric) is examined. For a radial distance r = Q2/M (in natural
units), the gravitational force is null, independently of the value of G, and repulsive below this value. It
is shown that within typical atomic and molecular distances, there is a repulsive force albeit negligible in
comparison with the electromagnetic one ruling the atomic world. For an eventual extremal black hole
having a mass equal to the Planck Mass, a limit to an electric charge equal to 1 (MeV)0 is found. At the
galactic scale and for galaxies with a compact central nucleus with mass below or of the order of M⊙, the
repulsive force can reproduce the flat rotation curve of stellar orbits observed in many galaxies.


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