Capture of Dark Matter Particles by a Galaxy in the Case of a Bimodal Distribution of Their Velocities

  • Serge Parnovsky Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Ruth Durrer
  • Aleksei Parnowski
Keywords: dark matter, galaxy formation


We have analyzed the rate of capture of dark matter (DM) particles by the galaxy in the case of the existence
of two different types of DM or a bimodal velocity distribution function for DM. It is shown that, in
addition to the scenario considered in our previous work which is based on the assumption of a unimodal
distribution, more complex scenarios are possible in which the transition to the state of intense capture
and/or exit from it can occur in two stages. A detailed description is given of the change in the curve describing
the rate of capture of dark matter particles as a function of the rate of increase in the baryon mass
of the galaxy for various values of the rate of decrease of the DM density


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J. Binney and S. Tremaine, Galactic dynamics [2nd ed.]. Princeton University Press (2008).
V. I. Arnold, Catastrophe Theory, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (2003).
P. T. Saunders, An introduction to catastrophe theory, Cambridge University Press (1980).
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