Nonzero θ13 with A4 × Z4 Flavor Symmetry Group

  • Victoria Puyam Manipur University
Keywords: Majorana phase, discrete symmetry, mass square differences, CP-violating phase, neutrinoless double beta decay


A neutrino mass model based on an A4 × Z4 symmetry group is proposed to explain current neutrino
oscillation data. The model has the same field contents as the original A4 model proposed by Altarelli and
Fergulio. Minimal modification to the original model is made by considering the antisymmetric contribution
from A4. The resultant mass model can give the deviation from tribimaximal mixing (θ13 = 0) with
θ23 = 45◦ in a normal hierarchy. The model also exploits the validity for both normal and inverted mass
Special Issue on Neutrinos and Dark Matter-2022